Thursday, November 1, 2012

Intervention Application

Over the past few classes we have been watching numerous addicts battle their addictions. As we have watched we have learned that the addict is almost always triggered by something to start their usage and usually it was out of their control. Tell me some of the most frequent triggers seen and how seeing them and the havoc they caused affected you. Do some research about the trigger you have chosen and does research support your assumption of triggering substance abuse or dependency. What are you going to do to make sure you don't make the same mistakes in your future family or even now in your own life. Give me at least 2 and your action steps.


  1. There are many different triggers that can cause people to become addicts. One of the most common triggers is when something has happened in a persons life that causes them to seek an escape from the stress and anxiety of life, so drugs can be their coping mechanism. Often people who become addicts have had some sort of traumatic even occur earlier in their life such as being abused or left by a parent.There is a huge connection between child abuse and addiction. Children that grow up with a substance abusing parent are more likely to become addicts themselves. A good way to make sure that this does not happen is to learn to recognize an abusive home or a home with an addicted parent. Teens should also be educated about substance abuse and dependency so they know how to recognize triggers.

  2. Most addicts have a reason for their addications. Normally, it is something that happened in their lifes that made them really sad. For example, Allison was addicted to dust repellant the reason she got started on it was becuase her and her little sister were molested and her mom did not do anything until it was to late and the guy got away. Then, her parents got a divorce and her father left and she never saw him again. I think when something very devastating happens something that the person cannot change or fix it causes them to turn to their addiction. The addict needs something that can fill the void of their depression and sadness.

  3. People are not born into the world addicted to a drug there is usually something that triggers it. In the episodes of intervention we watched, the triggers consisted of divorce, molestation, breakups and anything really sad and tragic in that persons life. These people decided to turn to drugs to help them escape reality instead of actually getting help. A common trigger is rejection. People do not like hearing the word "no" and that they can't do something. No one likes being rejected especially when it was something they put there heart into. Being told no could cause depression which could lead to addiction. A good way to make sure that this doesn't happen is to have a mindset that things aren't always going to go your way, you are not always going to get what you want when you ask. If you get told no you have to remember that their was a reason for that and that God has a plan. Instead of being depressed find ways to work harder for what you want and to earn that yes instead of being rejected.

  4. Most of the time, addictions are triggered by something that goes on in the family or between relationships. In the videos we watched they showed that a lack of a father or mother figure, or being broken hearted and betrayed can trigger addiction because the people who get hurt look for a source(drugs/alcohal) that will take the place of the pain with pleasure. When I see situations like this, it really hurts me because I have been through similar situations that these people have been through, but I handled things responsibly, but mainly because I have God in my life, and He took care of my pain. Anyways, in my opinion the main triggers these days are parents divorcing, fathers leaving familys, and parents not being strict enough or being too strict. Research shows some instances in which my opinion is true. In the future, I will make sure that I will get married to someone who wouldn't leave the family and who would be a great father figure. ALso, I will make sure that my kids have reasonable rules, boundaries, and a great mother figure(myself) and that my kids are aware of the consiquences of drugs and alcohal so they won't draw into temptation.

  5. The most common trigger for most addicts is a an incident in their life that caused them great emotional trauma and sadness. Nicole was an alcohol addict and she drank all the time but whenever she saw her sister it triggered a sad memory in her and she drank even more. While Allison was addicted to computer dust repellent, basically inhalants and this was because she was molested as a child along with her younger sister so she blames her mother. Most studies have proven that there is some type of connection between drug abuse and a traumatic event in a person's life. One way to prevent abuse is to be able to recognize and spot the signs of an abuser and stop it before they do become addicted. Another way to prevent addiction is a home is to make sure that people know the consequences and effects of abusing drugs, any way to educate young people about abuse is always a way to prevent it.

  6. People who become addicts usually have an emotional trigger that spirals them out of control. In the interventions we watched in class both Nicole and Allison became addicts when they felt abandoned by their father. Nicole drank to get rid of the pain and when her boyfriend left her, it opened old wounds. She then tried to drink the pain away. Allison, after being molested and her mother not doing anything about it, her parents got divorced and her dad left her. She started inhaling computer duster. She got married but then was soon divorced, which her addiction became worse. These painful memories were triggered when in their adult life they were left, and their addiction controlled their life, and their families enabled them and ignored the problem. A way I would prevent addiction would let parents and kids know how to spot substance abuse and not to ignore the problem. Ignoring the problem won't make it go away, and they will not get better. Another way would be to tell and show kids, like watching the interventions, the consequences of abusing substances.

  7. People aren't born an addict, there is some type of trigger that causes them to become an addict. In the interventions we have watched both people have felt abandoned. The feeling of abandonment was a major trigger for both addicts. Nicole drank to get away from reality and all her problems. Allison became addicted to inhaling compressed air aka computer duster. She was molested as a child and her mother didn't do anything about it, then her mother wasn't stable to take care of her because of depression. All these things are bad memories and emotional problems that could be handled the right way, but instead are handled by finding a hurtful way to surpress them. Ways to prevent addiction is to first make sure the situation is dealt with the right way before it gets worse. Don't ignore the problem thinking that it will just go away, take proper action to help the person and their situation. Also know the signs of abusing substances and be able to help someone before they get worse.

  8. A lot of the times alcoholics are trigger by a tragic event that has happened to them in the past. One trigger that sood out to me in one of the intervention videos was a girl named Allision. Her dad was not apart of her life when she was growing up and caused her to become depressed and thats when she started becoming addicted to inhailing compter duster. My dad was als not there for me that much as well. He left my family when I was one but still talked to us. I could relate to her a little bit with this but my mom rised me good enough to know right from wrong and we put all our faith and trust in God when sometimes we thought we might not make it financially. I am staying involved in my church and hanging out with the right kind of people so I won't ever think or get tempted about doing drugs. I also learn a lot of the effects from doing drugs and they are not pleasant at all.

  9. You are not born an addict, there's some things in your life that trigger your addiction. In the two interventions I had the opportunity to watch these two women had dealt with abandonment issues which is a major contributor. Both didn't have a bond with their fathers. One's father left her at a young age and the other was an alchoholic. These played a big part in their addiction, so they think. All these things are bad situations and emotional problems that could be handled the right way, but instead are handled by finding a hurtful way to surpress the issues. Children that grew up with substance abusing parents are more likely to become addicts themselves. So I suggest that we need to make sure that this does not happen by learning to recognize an abusive home or one home with an addicted parent. Then take the steps to not become an addict so that the children won't grow up to be an addict. I also think teens should also be educated about substance abuse so they know how to recognize triggers and how to cope with unhurtful things.

  10. In all of the interventions we have watched during class, the triggers the women had were mostly cause by the lack of a paternal figure present in their lives. They wanted and needed someone to look up to as a father, but the only they could think of to fill their void was the drugs, and drinking. The drugs allowed them to escape their everyday pains by taking them to an altered state of mind. The lack of a father was beyond their control, but most turn to both drugs and bad guy, to replace what they think they lost if they had a father. The guys they pick tend to be jerks and heighten the situation by creations awkward tension and /or p\\encouraging behavior such as drinking and drugs. A good replacement for this is to get connected with a good church group, find a good mentor/therapist, and replace the bad men and drugs into something beneficial to you. These could include: exercising, baking, reading, working, backpacking, getting a puppy or something that you have a passion for and helps the community as well.

  11. In each intervention that we have seen in class there has been a trigger present in each girls life. In most cases the trigger is a lack of a father figure, or disruption in the family. And how the people deal with it is to drink or rid their sorrow away with the high of the drugs and drinks. Both allowed the person to escape the reality and to sink into the high life, but at the same time slowly was killing them and ruining their family. In all cases the girl has retreated to a boy, who seemed as if he did not care, to fill the void of hole of no father figure or whatever the trigger was. In my life, staying plugged into my church has helped and provided me an escape from an every day life to show me just how much I do have some one that loves and cares for me. Football has also been an escape where i can be myself on the field and take out all my anger on whoever gets in my way.

  12. Drug addicts are usually triggered by incidents that has happened in the addict's past. Most of them had a parent leave the family and was raised in a single parent home. The addict usually became depressed because they would think that while their family is struggling to make it, the parent that has left the family does not care or love them. The intervention with Courtney, her dad left early in her life, leaving her mother depressed and even tried suicide. Courtney and her older sister were really close and Courtney's sister became her mother figure. When Courtney's sister left to go to college Courtney began to act up and do drugs. Her trigger was loneliness. I am very lucky and blessed to have both of my parents in my life, and they are huge role models for me. I will make sure this never happens to my future family by making sure i am always there for my wife and kids no matter what, and be a great father to my kids as my dad is to me. I will also make sure my kids are doing the right things and hanging out with the right people.

  13. In the interventions that have been watched each girls life were triggered by a common accurance. Neither of them had fathers to look up to in there lifes and not a strong family to support them in the right way. And with all the other problems that had accured with them it triggered the girls to become the way that they did. They would all do something to just get what they needed, didn't caring who they hurt.Research related to the trigger of dependency is co-depenedence. Watching the interventions, their is a lot of struggle in peoples lives and knowing how to fix their struggles is important because the people that they were before can still change them. Its where the other people in their lives should help.

  14. Rape is a trigger for multiple addicts. Being forced to have sexual relations could lead to depression, pyschotic breakdown, etc. Those victims turn to drugs to get a sense of euphoria. They want to escape reality becasue reality is aht hurt them in the first place. When people try to take away their(addicts) drugs, they start to get defensive and upset. When I become a parent, I will try my hardest to keep my children out of situations that could screw up their life. Also i could moniter who my children hang out with. Usually the people you hang out with have an enormous affect on what you do and how you do it. So if i monitor my children, i could possibly limit the risk they have of getting addicted or exposed to drugs.

  15. People aren't born as addicts. Usually during some point in their life there is an emotional tigger that causes their addiction. In the intervention's we watched in class each of the clients had a reoccurring trigger present in their life. Most of the things that were lacking in these people were a source of parental guidance. They needed someone to look up to such as a father with most lacked. The drugs they took gave them a temporar escape from reality and made them forget about the pains they experienced in life for a short amount of time. A good way to prevent and make kids aware of this is too show them the christian way of living and let them know that God has a plan for them. Also another way is to show kids these Interventions and let them witness the pain these individuals are experiencing even though it may be marketed as "fun".

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. omg it just deleted my comment -___-

  18. There are many differnt triggers that can send humans on donward spirals of drug abuse and addiction. Common triggers that you may see often in victims are depression and lonliness. Past events in these drug abusers life usually is the cause of all of this. For example rape or loss of a parent in their lifes may result in depression or lonliness so they turn to the drugs because they think it will make them feel feel better when really its just sending them into further depression and they dont even realize it. This is how the abuse starts. When drug abusers come of their highs they start feeling the same depression and lonliness so this is when they start becomminhg dependent upon the drugs and using again. This is how drug habbits start.

    "Depression and recreational drug use are both common and can occur together purely by chance as individual problems.

    More often, however, there is an interaction between the two and this can take several forms.
    A person may be suffering from depressive symptoms and take drugs in the hope of gaining some relief.
    Depressive symptoms may develop, as a direct result of taking drugs or as part of withdrawal symptoms when drug-taking stops. (Low mood in withdrawal may be brief and self-limiting. But sometimes it can lead to a serious, prolonged depressive illness.)
    A person may take drugs to 'escape' from a problem during a particularly stressful time in their life. This stress may also be the trigger for an episode of depression.
    Heavy drug use can lead to major financial problems, difficulties with relationships or trouble with the law. A person taking recreational drugs is likely to have more of these pressures, which may trigger depression.
    People who are depressed may use recreational drugs in an attempt to end their life.
    Drug use is particularly common in other psychiatric illnesses (such as post-traumatic stress disorder or some anxiety disorders and phobias) that can also have depressive symptoms, even if the main problem is not depression itself."

    In class we watched a few intervention shows and we witnessed how the drugs can just completely destroy their lifes and not just theirs but their families too. It never just affects one person. Your saftey as well as other is always is always dependent upon their drug use.

    In order to stay away from this lifestyle i believe you just stay away from any kind of drugs all together. If you are not in contact with drugs, how can you use? Pick your friends wisely. Remove any tempting or negative paths from your life. It can be somthing so small as weed everyonce in a while but what people dont know is that weed is a gateway drug that leads to other more serious and dangerous drugs. This is why we should just stay away in all.

    Another way can avoid this lifestyle is to speak out on the importance of living a drug free life and the dangers that come with using. I believe if you do this it would be easy to not use because you are constantly speaking about the negatives of using as your warning other about the dangers of using.

  19. Most addicts have an emotional trigger at a certain point in their life that they do not resolve properly and turn to drugs to solve the problem. In a lot of cases we have watched in class the parents are a main source of the trigger. Sometimes the parents do not interact with the addict enough or they do too much and make the addiction worse. This affected deeply because I realize now how thankful I am for the parents God gave me. When I have a family of my own I am going to always be there for my children and never abandon them. Also I will never get addicted to drugs myself because that is a bad influence on my own family. Doing these things will also please God and that is what I live for.

  20. People become addicts for many different reasons. Rape, child abuse, a parent dying, divorce, and etcetera are all triggers that can lead to someone starting the use of drugs. For example, in one of the videos that we watched, a girl had been raped. Ever since her terrifyingly tragic experience she has turned to drugs to help her cope with it. Another example is child abuse. If someone was abused as a child they don’t want to remember all those awful nights when their parents would beat them so they turn to drugs to help them forget. A parent dying is another example why someone would turn to drugs. If that person is feeling sad because they lost someone then they would turn to drugs to escape reality and forget about whatever unfortunate situation they are presently going through. Getting a divorce or heart ache from a break up would be another trigger that would lead someone on the pathway to drugs. In the end all of these have the same outcome. If the person doesn’t like what they are going through or are trying to escape reality or are even trying to forget something in the past, they all turn to drugs to replace that pain and hurt.
    It hurts me to see how these people use drugs to help them cope with life. The difference between me and those people would be whenever I would have an empty feeling, instead of turning to drugs I would just turn to God. After all He is the only one that can take away the pain in any situation we may be in. Another thing that I would do differently would be to have an accountability partner that I can turn to and that will help me in my time of need. I feel that I would be less likely to fall in the path of drugs if I had someone to go to that wouldn’t be judgmental and would set me back on the right path to God.

  21. Most addicts turn to drugs to help them get away from reality into a happy place. Usually the reason addictions start is because a person has or is going through a rough time. Depending on drugs to help you forget,not care, calm you down or just get you away from reality is never the way to go because it will lead to addiction in most cases; which can lead to death or serious consiquences. The fat guy we watched did crystal meth everyday because of getting made fun of in highschool and even though he had a wife and chilren, it didnt stop him from doing it; addicts dont really care about stoping because its what they like and what they want to do. Even though this might sound like a sunday school answer the only way to really protect yourself from falling into any type of temptation to do any of those things is to be around the right people, in general and during tough times; so that they can help you with whatever your going through. Also trusting in God is a biggy, knowing he's in control of whatever he puts in your life and that he wont give you something you cant handle.

  22. Most people become addicts because of a past trauma that has happened in their lives. So they turn to drugs to distract themselves from the pain. There are many different triggers that can cause a person to become an addict. For example, Allison became addicted to inhalants because she lacked a father figure in her life. Also, John who was injured when he was a teenager doing what he loved most. John dropped out of high school, and didn't go to college because he couldn't run anymore. So they start using drugs to help them to not think about their situations. After trying it once, the feeling of pleasure and reward makes them want to do it again, which leads to an addiction. These addicts depend on these drugs to keep them alive but its actually killing them. Seeing these interventions in class really changes my views about addicts. Before, I would judge and criticize people about their addictions. But now, after watching these people battle their addictions and hearing about their sad stories, reminds me on how blessed I really am. In the future, I hope to become a good mother and be involved in my child's life and try to remain a good relationship with my husband. I hope to develop a close relationship with my child and that they will choose the right friends. The choice of friends is very important in a persons life. Also, I will raise my child in the best Christian environment that I can provide.

  23. In all of the intervention episodes we've watched each person's had some sort of traumatic event in their past that triggered them to start using drugs. For Nichole her trigger was the fact that her father was never really in her life as a child so she basically grew up without any type of male figure in her life. Also her father was an alcoholic which triggered her abuse of alcohol as well. Allison also became addicted to drugs due to the fact that she did not have a father in her life. I think most of the time when women don't have a father or a father figure in their life they try to find other ways to gain that love. They soon become dependent on people and drugs to cope with their loss and try to fill the hole that's inside of them. Studies have shown that girls who grew up with a father in the home were more likely to get better grades, go to college and get married. Father’s are the first men a young girl knows which set's the stage for all the other men in her life. When this relationship never occurs,there trouble navigating their “man map” and often end up on roads they rather have not discovered. Even as grown women there are “little girls” walking around inside of them with pain and yearnings for their fathers. Such manifestation comes through promiscuity, numerous failed relationships, poor decision when dating, lack of self worth,insecurity as well as drug abuse. How else would a young girl learn what the role of a father/husband is if she never had or saw one? ; How would she know what love looks like from a man, if she never received loved from the first man in her life?; or how does she determine a future life partner if she never saw a successful one. They can’t turn back the hands of time and rewrite their childhoods but what they can do is make better decisions as adults by being honest with their issues and making an effort to better their situations. It makes me feel blessed that I have such a good relationship with my father and that he has always been in my life. When i get older I'll make sure that I am married before I think about having kids and I'll continue to pray that my child will always have their father in their life.

  24. People are not born an addict, however genetics may very well be a factor in the outcome of their issue at hand.
    So dont automatically assume it is necessarily it is there fault although it may be a combination of theres
    and the environment around them growing up and such. They my very well have trouble recognizing they have an addiction
    so be kind to them and offer them to someone who can be a guide in their life possibly a therapist or psychairtrist.
    Often and very common is for this individual to lack a father or mother figure throughtout their childhood which
    is essential to many people of else they feel somewhat abondanded as seen throughout the show intervention.
    They used drugs as an escape from reality for that moment. Through guidance and reasoning with this person they can become
    apart of normal society if the case is very severe.

  25. Most addicts today become addicted because of an emotional trigger. A trigger is an event or time from the past that bring back a pattern of abuse. Nicole was a young girl who became addicted to alcohol because of being raped when she was young and her boyfriend left her after 5 years of dating only to date her sister. Her trigger to become an alcoholic was being raped and left by her boyfriend. In my life I use sports and school to get away from the possibility of becoming addicted. I try and put myself around the right group of people so that won't happen. There are lots of other escapes from the stress and pain of life itself. Things like running, getting involved in the community or if the situations bad enough investing time to get and have a mentor or counselor.

  26. People who go through bad circumstances or deal with bad situations in their life sometimes become addicts. The addiction is brought on by triggers, or the bad situations. A trigger can be a bad family situation, stress, anger, and many other things. This had made me realize that I'm fortunate to have a family that loves me and knows how to deal with problems, rather than place blame on one another and be accusatory. Child abuse can be a very significant thing that causes addiction. People try to take the pain away with the use of drugs, alcohol, etc. I plan to make sure I keep the relationships I have in my life with friends and family open for communication so that I and my family don't end up feeling like these people do. Not having a father can be very bad for a child, especially for a girl. They can end up not understanding how a man should treat them and end up with someone who doesn't care about them, causing stress, and leading to addiction. I plan to prevent this in my life by marrying someone who loves God and is willing to stay, no matter the situation because they have faith that God will work it out.
